
.Italian Treat.

Maya & I have something to say...
Today marks the official 1st day of spring & that means "FREE ITALIAN ICE @ RITA'S". For all the people that go to my school that ask "Who is Rita?", i have no idea, but i do know that if you have never had the sweet, juicy, icy flavorful thing in that red & white cup then you are deproved. I was priveliged to have one right next door to my job at home so they pretty much got all my money lol. They have every flavor you can think of from mango, strawberry, chocolate, lemonade, iced tea, cherry, blueberry,custard & or you can choose a Gelati which is the flavored ice with frozen custard on the bottom & top. I also love how they give you the punch cards {buy 10 & you get one free}, i didnt get to finish this last one because i started school, but anywho if you've never had it TRY IT!! for my friends here in the A there is one in the Underground & one by Perimeter.....

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